Thursday, March 03, 2005

First Post!

This is my first post, which I will no doubt delete as soon as I have anything actually interesting to say. In fact I may well delete the whole site, since its sole purpose it to demonstrate to Matt Wedel how trivial it is to make your own web-site these days. C'mon Matt, do it. You know it's what the world needs.


noneuclidean said...

LoL, this is great. Your post is totally about nothing and you got TWO comments because they're spam! HA! Alright...that's all I had to say. Oh, and if you do decide to keep this blog you're going to want to turn on comment verification.


Sarda Sahney said...

I don't know if you remember,we met at Prog Pal one year then again at SVPCA. Anyway, just wanted to say Hi and that you have a really funny post:)